Based in Midtown Manhattan, Henry Asher and Linda Ray of The Northstar Group, Inc. have been providing investment management, retirement and financial planning guidance to their clients since 1986.
We encourage you to explore our site and learn more about the services we provide. Should you have any questions or would like more information on our firm, please feel free to contact us. We look forward to hearing from you.

Our Philosophy
Learn more about the values, principles, and practices that we believe set us apart from the rest.
Over our three-decade history, we at Northstar have witnessed the progression from stock kiosks in Grand Central to countless, constantly updated financial news websites; from the data degenerates of the early 80’s to data-overloaded commuters; from a trickle of financial information to the constant barrage and editorializing without end that we endure today.
With so many facts and figures being thrown at us, it’s easy to look at investing as nothing more than a series of finely tuned calculations, when in fact the guiding principles behind a sustainable financial path are about the same as they’ve always been. Financial stability, the tranquility we and our clients pursue, is determined by habits, both productive and harmful. Anyone who claims to know the secret to investing, or to have figured out a simple, twelve-step process, is either a liar, delusional, or both.
Our goal at Northstar is not to beat the market, but to provide our clients with the financial dignity to live the lives they want to live. Doing that involves more than just investing: It involves planning, guidance, and the knowledge that we’re here with you. We know that money is a means to an end, and we consider the most important end goal to be financial confidence for you and your loved ones. We’ll be there every step of the way to help you get there.
Our Services
With seventy years of combined experience, Henry Asher and Linda Ray will work with you
every step of the way to help you plan for your future.
The Northstar Group, Inc. is a privately owned investment advisory firm whose principals are Henry Asher and Linda Ray.
We pride ourselves on our ability to offer individualized advice to each of our clients. We do not have an investment “style,” because one size does not fit all. After more than three decades in this field, we’ve come to realize that doing our best work involves gaining a deep understanding of each client’s financial needs and planning goals. We do not fit our clients into any pre-conceived philosophy of investing. Instead, we build relationships.
We’ve come to understand that the process of advising our clients often involves more art than science and we try to communicate this to our clients. We’ve also learned that if the path to financial dignity is paved with rational investment behaviors, then a large part of our job as advisors is helping our clients avoid mistakes. Guiding our clients to make wise decisions is often every bit as important as uncovering financial gems for their portfolios.
We are extraordinarily fortunate to have long-term advisory relationships with many of our clients and we view each prospective client through that lens. We ask ourselves, can we provide value, spanning multiple market eras and guide this client’s finances throughout their lives?
Our Team
We believe that crafting a team with the right people is just as important as designing the right portfolio.